Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

tunica interna globi oculi (par)

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Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum visuale (par) Short Extended
Current level tunica interna globi oculi (par) Extended
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Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
58301 6949 Tax
tunica interna globi oculi (par)
internal layer of eyeball (pair)
58301 6950 Tax
retina (par) P4 29 children
retina (pair)
58617 7645 Tax
strata retinae (par) P4 59 children
retinal layers (pair)
7644 Tax
neura retinalia (par)
retinal neurons (pair)
retinal sensory neurons (pair) ; photoreceptor cells (pair)
67749 7654 Tax
neura bipolaria (par) P4 29 children
bipolar neurons (pair) ; bipolar cells (pair)
67765 7655 Tax
retinal ganglion neurons (pair); retinal ganglion cells (pair)
67764 7656 Tax
horizontal neurons (pair) ; horizontal cells (pair)
67766 7657 Tax
neura amacrina (par) P4 47 children
amacrine neurons (pair) ; amacrine cells (pair)
62111 7658
retinal glial cells (pair); gliocytes of retina (pair)
50863 6372 Tax
nervus opticus ; nervus cranialis II
optic nerve ; cranial nerve II ; cranial nerve 2
bloody vessels of retina (pair)
12 lines
16.7 %
25.0 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
Heading Neura retinalia added, from TH; based on Kolb H, Linberg KA, Fisher SK 1992. Neurons of the human retina: A Golgi study. J Comp Neurol 318:147-187, and more recent studies (Website Kolb H et al. The Organization of the Retina and Visual System;
TH term 'multipolare' replaced by 'retinale' for consistency. There are at least 18 different morphological types of ganglion cells in the human retina, numbered from G1-G23 after Golgi studies (G = Golgi type) by Kolb et al. (1981 Vision Res 21:1081-1114) in cats. Special names have been given to the Midget and Parasol ganglion cells, projecting to the Parvocellular and Magnocellular layers of CGL.
Masland RH (2001 The fundamental plan of the retina. Nat Rev Neurosci 4:877-886) counted at least 29 types of Amacrine cells, most of them are glycinergic (Neuron amacrinum glycinergicum) or GABAergic (Neuron amacrinum GABAergicum).
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 6949
Sublist 1 6950 retina 29/10 on 4.4.2018
Sublist 2 6983 vas sanguineum retinae 20/19 on 8.4.2018
Invalid signature 17165 (stored value 2849)
Error in sublist Found children 18 Found units 17
Sublist 3 7645 stratum retinae 59/20 on 4.4.2018
Sublist 4 7653 neuron sensorium retinale 17/8 on 23.1.2020
Invalid signature 13447 (stored value 6149)
Error in sublist Found children 20 Found units 7
Sublist 5 7654 neuron bipolare 29/10 on 5.2.2018
Sublist 6 7655 neuron ganglionare retinale 11/4 on 4.4.2018
Sublist 7 7656 neuron horizontale 8/3 on 8.4.2018
Sublist 8 7657 neuron amacrinum 47/16 on 4.4.2018
Sublist 9 7658 gliocytus retinae 8/3 on 5.2.2018
Subtotals subchildren 228 subunits 93
Proper children 15
Invalid check Found children: 244
Proper units 3
Invalid check Found units: 93
Invalid signature 3982 ( 24.1.2020)
Date: 28.05.2024